Linea Nigra or Pregnancy Line - Everything You Need To Know About It
Are you noticing a vertical black line that has appeared across your stomach? Many women notice it first, only during a prenatal check up in a baby scan clinic. This line is known as the pregnancy line or ‘Linea Nigra’. This line runs exactly through the point where your left and right abdominal muscle meets. It is also a natural process of pregnancy.
Linea Nigra the Latin name of the black line, causes mainly due to pregnancy hormones. It is said that there is already a line on our belly button and pelvis, also known as linea alba which means white line. The hormones stimulate cells on the skin known as melanocytes, which in turn produce more melanin. This melanin is the pigment that darkens the skin. The darker the skin, the more pronounced it becomes.
There is really no good way to prevent the appearance of Linea Nigeria. But if this bothers you too much you can certainly do certain things to manage it.
Avoiding Sun: Too much time out in the sun can make the line darker and also discolor your skin. You can use an umbrella when you go outside if its too sunny, use sunscreen or cover up your belly.
Lemon juice: It is said that applying the acid of the lemon juice on that area might help to fade the pigmentation.
Makeup: If you are going to a party or a function you can always cover up the line using foundation or other makeup. This can definitely work or a few hours.
Eat right: Folic acid deficiency can be the reason for the skin discoloration. Eat a diet, rich with folic acid and it might lighten the color of linea nigra. Leafy green vegetables like spinach, bread, cereal, beans, rice, pasta, citrus fruits like orange juice and lemon, etc are rich with folic acid. Your prenatal vitamin tablets have folic acids too.
As you can’t prevent Linea Nigra entirely, you can wait for it to resolve on its own. It usually goes away after the delivery of your baby. But don't expect it to go away right after childbirth. It’s going to take at least a few months to fade. But if it does not go away even after a few months, and if it really bothers you, you can consult your dermatologist. Also in this case bleaching cream is often recommended. But avoid using bleaching cream during pregnancy and while you are still breastfeeding, as it can cause some harm to your baby.
There is an old wives tale that, if the line appears only till your belly button then you are having a girl, and if the line continues till your rib cage then you are having a boy. Obviously, this is all a myth, but thankfully you can rely on the gender scan clinics to know the same with high accuracy.
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